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Image by Brooke Cagle

Meet The Team


Victor Dike Wokekoro, rcic

Consultant réglementé en immigration canadienne (CRIC)

Commissaire à l'assermentation, Alberta, Canada

Victor, speaks English, Pigin English, Ikwerre and Swedish

Victor Dike Wokekoro est un consultant réglementé en immigration canadienne (CRIC) pleinement agréé et membre du Collège des consultants en immigration et en citoyenneté (CICC). Il est avocat principal chez WayMaker Immigration Services Inc., commissaire à l'assermentation, dans la province de l'Alberta, Canada et membre de l'Association canadienne des consultants professionnels en immigration (CAPIC).


Victor a terminé son programme Immigration: Laws Policies and Procedures à l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique, Canada (UBC), Canada. En outre, il est titulaire d'une maîtrise en genre, justice et société de l'Université d'Umea, en Suède, d'une maîtrise en administration des affaires de l'Université de Mälardalen, en Suède, et d'une licence en commerce et économie de l'Université de Dalarna, en Suède.


En plus de la formation ci-dessus, et conformément à l'objectif de Victor d'étendre sa pratique du droit de l'immigration et de pratiquer dans d'autres domaines du droit, Victor poursuit actuellement son baccalauréat en droit, LLB.


Victor est fier d'aider les individus et les familles à réaliser leurs rêves de visiter le Canada ou de faire du Canada leur deuxième maison. Il a acquis une véritable expérience de sa propre expérience en tant qu'immigrant, qui s'accompagne de solides compétences pédagogiques et pratiques bien ancrées dans le domaine du droit canadien de l'immigration.


Les passe-temps de Victor incluent; écouter de la musique, camper, lire et voyager. Il a voyagé dans plus de 13 pays et sur 3 continents. Il aime rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et, surtout, aider les gens à venir au Canada de la bonne façon. Être consultant réglementé en immigration canadienne pour Victor n'est pas seulement un travail; C'est une manière de vivre; il le vit et le respire.

Victor's hobbies include; listening to music, camping, reading, and travelling. He has travelled to over 13 countries and across 3 continents. He loves meeting new people and, most importantly, assisting people in coming to Canada the right way. Being a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant to Victor is not just a job; it's a way of life; he lives and breathes it.


Shannon Hermsen

Shannon, speaks English and French

Shannon Hermsen, currently serving as the Operations Manager at WayMaker Immigration Services Inc., embarked on her journey with the company as an Administrative Assistant to Victor Wokekoro, RCIC. Shannon has spearheaded several pivotal projects, including the implementation of the WM client portal system, WM employee management station, and WM Workflow tree, showcasing her adeptness in administrative duties and project management.

Her academic foundation includes a business program in Professional Management from the University of Calgary, Alberta, which she supplemented with ongoing professional development courses in business management and operations. Shannon's unwavering commitment to enhancing her skills underscores her dedication to achieving excellence in her field.

With over a decade of experience in administrative roles, customer service, and optimizing business operations, Shannon embodies enthusiasm and innovation in her professional endeavors. Her background in healthcare, particularly in assisting individuals with physical and developmental disabilities, has instilled in her a compassionate and empathetic approach to her work.


Beyond her professional pursuits, Shannon finds joy in various hobbies, including photography, website design, winter sports, and playing the piano. Her adventurous spirit has led her to explore diverse regions of Canada, with the exception of the North-West Territory, reflecting her love for travel and exploration. Shannon's multifaceted skills and experiences make her an invaluable asset to the WayMaker Immigration Services Inc. team.

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